31 research outputs found

    Interfaces proactivas m贸viles desde Legacies Web: Un enfoque de dise帽o conductual

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    Contexto: Los sistemas heredados o legacies son sistemas independientes construidos en una era tecnol贸gica anterior que disponen de precaria documentaci贸n que se resisten significativamente a su modificaci贸n y evoluci贸n, para cubrir cambios en sus requerimientos, adem谩s son grandes sistemas parcialmente desconocidos y vitales para las organizaciones y que en su mayor铆a no poseen financiamiento para mejoras. En contraposici贸n a los legacies, las aplicaciones m贸viles cambiaron inesperadamente la vida de las personas dado que las aplicaciones son una herramienta omnipresente en la vida cotidiana y clave fundamental en los modelos de negocio en todo el mundo. Los problemas de usabilidad de aplicaciones heredadas se han estudiado en diferentes trabajos, debido a que desde este auge estos inconvenientes se han hecho evidentes cada d铆a, algunos de los m谩s relevantes radican en la legibilidad de la tipograf铆a, los iconos, el tama帽o, la orientaci贸n de la pantalla, la p茅rdida de tiempo y la excesiva carga cognitiva para los usuarios debido al tama帽o de la pantalla, entre otras limitaciones de los dispositivos. Objetivo: En esta tesis se propone un enfoque emp谩tico multidisciplinario que permite la correcta portabilizaci贸n de legacies web a m贸viles a trav茅s de algoritmos predictivos como las cadenas de Markov que ofrecen una mejorada experiencia de usuario a trav茅s de la obtenci贸n del modelo de comportamiento de navegaci贸n avalada por m茅tricas de usabilidad, de manera adicional se logra la mejora de la productividad laboral y el cumplimiento de las heur铆sticas de Nielsen. M茅todo: Este estudio se bas贸 en el m茅todo de ingenier铆a del paradigma evolutivo el cual se trata de observar las soluciones existentes, etapa realizada a trav茅s de un mapeo y revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura de la 煤ltima d茅cada, luego se debe proponer mejores soluciones, crear o desarrollar, medir y analizar y repetir hasta que no haya m谩s mejoras posibles, etapa en la cual se propone el enfoque emp谩tico basado en el modelo Markoviano para obtener el modelo de navegaci贸n del usuario, entregado a trav茅s del m铆nimo producto viable en varias iteraciones hasta lograr perfeccionar el modelo. Por lo tanto, llegar a una mejor propuesta final depende en gran medida de la creatividad y el sentido com煤n aplicado a la construcci贸n del nuevo m茅todo. Esta vista orientada a la mejora evolutiva supone que el investigador ya tiene modelos del proceso de software, producto, personas, del entorno y modifica el modelo o los aspectos del modelo para mejorar lo que se est谩 estudiando. Resultados: En el mapeo sistem谩tico se obtienen 44 art铆culos que presentan diferentes enfoques que solucionan de manera b谩sica, parcial o especifica la portabilizaci贸n, se evidencia que no existen enfoques de dise帽o centrados en el usuario, tampoco basados en modelos de Markov y que las propuestas no son evaluadas con m茅tricas como la de la productividad laboral, heur铆sticas de Nielsen ni las de la ISO 9241-11, as铆 como la Leyes de Fitts y Hick. Al proponer y posteriormente implementar este enfoque emp谩tico a trav茅s de una herramienta se logra demostrar que la productividad laboral mejora en un rango de 75% a 530% con respecto a la aplicaci贸n original, por otro lado, los tiempos de consecuci贸n de las tareas se reducen en una proporci贸n de 3 a 1 para los casos analizados. Los deslizamientos en pantalla se reducen en promedio a la mitad. Adem谩s, la satisfacci贸n del usuario a trav茅s de una encuesta muestra un aumento en la calificaci贸n de par谩metros de est茅tica y dise帽o, la facilidad de uso, los contenidos e informaci贸n, y la utilidad para el 100% de los usuarios. Cabe destacar que a partir de este estudio se han logrado cinco publicaciones SCOPUS. Conclusiones: La contribuci贸n incluye un trabajo transdisciplinario que demuestra que este modelo hace posible un dise帽o de interfaz inteligente y proactivo, considerando adem谩s variables sociodemogr谩ficas directamente relacionadas que contribuyen a la econom铆a del contexto. Este estudio apoya la idea de que incluir cadenas de Markov para predecir el comportamiento del usuario podr铆a ser una de las teor铆as conductuales que se pueden aplicar para mejorar otros enfoques, como los sistemas basados en modelos, en t茅rminos de asignaci贸n autom谩tica de pesos y prioridades. Por otro lado la tecnolog铆a al fin de cuentas debe apoyar la producci贸n de valor en el negocio, por lo que los enfoques para el desarrollo y dise帽o de sistemas deben considerar metodolog铆as interdisciplinarias, transversales que incluyan profesionales o teor铆as establecidas por otras 谩reas como la sociolog铆a, econom铆a, matem谩tica que permitan humanizar el software con la capacitad de predecir las conductas para que el producto llegue a ser lo que el cliente quiere, inclusive alcanzar una investigaci贸n aplicada al ciudadano. A trav茅s de este tipo de enfoques, las empresas pueden llegar a ser m谩s independientes de las redes sociales enriqueciendo la base de clientes, generando su propio big data, CRMs, business intelligence y finalmente inbound marketing que permita ser una organizaci贸n orientada por los datos generando la hiperpersonalizaci贸n. Por tanto, los perfiles de usuario juegan un papel importante ya que ayudan a definir diferentes niveles de personalizaci贸n para aumentar el valor de vida 煤til del cliente (CLV) y tambi茅n el retorno sobre inversi贸n (ROI) en la transformaci贸n digital. Como trabajo futuro, se planea la mejora continua del enfoque e integrar en primera instancia todas las personalizaciones en un solo sitio web para que el usuario con un 煤nico inicio de sesi贸n pueda acceder a todas sus personalizaciones y comportamientos de navegaci贸n para que no deba instalar el script de un dispositivo a otro.Context: Inherited systems or legacies are independent systems built in a previous technological era that have precarious documentation that significantly resist to its modification and evolution, to cover changes in its requirements, furthermore, are large systems that are partially unknown and vital for organizations and most of them do not have financing for improvements. In contrast to legacies, mobile applications have unexpectedly changed people鈥檚 lives due to applications are an omnipresent tool in daily life and a fundamental key in business models around the world. The usability problems of legacy inherited applications have been studied in different works, because since this boom these drawbacks have become evident every day, some of the most relevant lie in the legibility of typography, icons, size, orientation of the screen, the waste of time and the excessive cognitive load for the users due to the size of the screen among other limitations of the devices. Objective: In this thesis, a multidisciplinary empathic approach is proposed that allows the correct portability of web legacies to mobiles through predictive algorithms such as Markov chains that offer an improved user experience through obtaining the guaranteed navigation behavior model by usability metrics, additionally the improvement of labor productivity and compliance of Nielsen heuristics is achieved. Method: This study was based on the evolutionary paradigm engineering method which tries to observe the existing solutions, a stage carried out through a mapping and systematic review of the literature of the last decade, then better solutions must be proposed, created or developed, to measure and analyze and repeat until no more improvements are possible, stage in which the empathic approach based on the Markovian model is proposed to obtain the user navigation model, delivered through the minimum viable product in several interactions until the model becomes perfected. Therefore, reaching a better final proposal depends largely on creativity and common sense applied to the construction of the new method. This evolutionary improvement oriented view assumes that the researcher already has models of the software process, product, people, and environment as well as modifies the model or aspect of the model to improve what is being studied. Results: In the systematic mapping, 44 articles are obtained that present different approaches that solve portability in a basic, partial or specific way, it is evident that there are no user- centered design approaches, nor are based on Markov models and that the proposals are not evaluated with metrics as the labor productivity, Nielsen heuristics nor the ISO 9241-11, as well as the Laws of Fitts and Hicks. By proposing and subsequently implementing this empathetic approach through a tool, it is possible to demonstrate that labor productivity improves in a range of 75% to 530% with respect to the original application, on the other hand, the times for completing tasks are reduced in a proportion of 3 to 1. Screen swipes are reduced by half on average. In addition, user satisfaction through a survey shows an increase in the rating of aesthetic and design parameters, ease of use, content and information, and usefulness for 100% of users. Noteworthy, that from this study five SCOPUS publications have been achieved. Conclusions: The contribution includes a transdisciplinary work that demonstrated that this model makes possible an intelligent and proactive interface design, also considering directly related sociodemographic variables that contribute to the economy of the context. This study supports the idea that including Markov chains to predict user behavior could be one of the behavioral theories that can be applied to improve other approaches, such as models based on systems, in terms of automatic assignment of weights and priorities. On the other hand, technology, in the end, must support the production of value in business, so the approaches for the development and design of systems must consider interdisciplinary, transversal methodologies that include professionals or theories established by other areas such as sociology, economics, mathematics that allow humanizing the software with the ability to predict behaviors so that the product becomes what the client wants, including achieving applied research for the citizen. Through this type of approach, companies can become more independent of social networks, enriching the customer base, generating their own big data, CRMs, business intelligence and finally inbound marketing that allows them to be an organization guided through the data generating hyperpersonalization. Therefore, user profiles play a significant role as they help define distinct levels of personalization to increase customer lifetime value (CLV) and return on investment (ROI) in digital transformation. As future work, it is planned to continuously improve the approach and integrate in the first instance all the customizations in a single website so that the user with a single login can access all their customizations and browsing behaviors, so the user should not have to install the script from one device to another.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Elaboraci贸n de bloques nutricionalesmediante el uso de origanum vulgare y thymus vulgaris (or茅gano y tomillo) como promotores de crecimiento natural para la alimentaci贸n de cuyes.

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    Se elabor贸 bloques nutricionales mediante el uso de Origanum vulgare y Thymus vulgaris (or茅gano y tomillo) como promotores de crecimiento natural para la alimentaci贸n de cuyes, se evalu贸 el comportamiento productivo de los cuyes cuando en su alimentaci贸n se utiliza diferentes niveles de or茅gano y tomillo 10, 20, 30% en la elaboraci贸n de los bloques nutricionales, durante las etapas de crecimiento y engorde de cuyes, analizando el costo de producci贸n de cada tratamiento; con una metodolog铆a experimental, en el sector de Chimbacalle del cant贸n Quito en la provincia de Pichincha, bajo un dise帽o completamente al azar en arreglo combinatorio de dos factores, para lo cual se emplearon seis tratamientos y un tratamiento control para el Factor A, el cual corresponde a los diferentes niveles de promotores naturales con tres repeticiones cada uno y para el Factor B se analiz贸 el efecto de los promotores naturales bajo el sexo de los animales, conformando cada unidad experimental por 2 cuyes dando un total de 84 cuyes en estudio por el transcurso de 75 d铆as. Dentro del factor A se registraron diferencias significativas (P<0,01) para los par谩metros productivos, como ser el consumo de forraje verde (kg/FV) y Peso a la canal (kg) siendo mejor el tratamiento con 20% de inclusi贸n de or茅gano (T2) con valores de 2,46 卤 0,03 kg/FV y 0,88 卤 0,03 kg respectivamente, para el factor B en estudio se registraron diferencias significativas (P<0,01), para el consumo de forraje verde (kg/FV), siendo mejor el consumo de los machos con 2,42 卤 0,01 Kg/FV, a su vez el mejor beneficio costo fue el Tratamiento con 20% de inclusi贸n de or茅gano (T2) con 1,23 USD y una rentabilidad del 23%. Se concluye que en lo referente a variables productivas del cuy es mejor el tratamiento con inclusi贸n de 20% de or茅gano, ya que aumentamos la calidad del cuy y obtenemos una mejor rentabilidad de este. Se recomienda a los productores cun铆colas la implementaci贸n de promotores de crecimiento natural en sus raciones ya que permite un mejor desarrollo del cuy, asegurando un mejor precio de la canalNutritional blocks were developed through the use of Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris (oregano and thyme) as natural growth promoters for guinea pig feeding, the productive behavior of guinea pigs was evaluated when different levels of oregano and thyme were used in their diet, 10, 20, 30% in the elaboration of the nutritional blocks, during the stages of growth and fattening of guinea pigs, analyzing the production cost of each treatment; with an experimental methodology, in the sector of Chimbacalle of the canton Quito in the province of Pichincha, under a completely random design in combinatorial arrangement of two factors, for which six treatments and a control treatment for Factor A were used, which corresponds to the different levels of natural promoters with three repetitions each and for Factor B, the effect of the natural promoters under the sex of the animals was analyzed, each experimental unit conformed by 2 guinea pigs giving a total of 84 ones under study in a period of 75 days. Regarding to the factor A, significant differences were recorded (P<0.01) for the productive parameters, such as the consumption of green forage (Kg/FV) and weight to the carcass (Kg), being the best treatment the one with 20% of inclusion of oregano (T2) with values of 2.46 卤 0.03 kg/FV and 0.88 卤 0.03 kg respectively, for the factor B under study, significant differences were recorded (P<0.01), for the consumption of green fodder (kg/FV), being better the consumption of the males with 2.42 卤 0.01 kg/FV; in turn, the best cost benefit was the Treatment with 20% of inclusion of oregano (T2) with 1,23 USD and a profitability of 23%. It is concluded that regarding the productive variables of the guinea pig, the best treatment is the one including 20% of oregano, since the quality of the guinea pig is increased and it is obtained a better profitability of it. It is recommended to the cunicultural producers the implementation of natural growth promoters in their rations since it allows a better development of the guinea pig, assuring a better price of the carcass

    Gu铆a de habilidades b谩sicas para la estimulaci贸n temprana.

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    Brinda herramientas necesarias para la adecuada estimulaci贸n temprana, para desarrollar las destrezas b谩sicas de ni帽os. Impuls贸 una gu铆a de estimulaci贸n para prevenir problemas de lenguaje. La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en el departamento de psicolog铆a de Fundaci贸n Pedi谩trica Guatemalteca, ubicada en la 1ra calle 4ta avenida de la zona 1, de la ciudad capital en los meses de julio a agosto del 2014. Se trabaj贸 con 27 padres de familia, comprendidos entre 21 a 58 a帽os de edad, hombres y mujeres. Para recopilar datos se utiliz贸 la t茅cnica de la observaci贸n. Las t茅cnicas que se utilizaron fueron: gu铆a de estimulaci贸n y talleres. Analiza e interpreta los resultados y concluye que, las 谩reas de desarrollo implicadas en la estimulaci贸n oportuna son la percepci贸n, psicomotricidad fina y gruesa, la estructuraci贸n espacial, coordinaci贸n r铆tmica, la secuencia temporal y el lenguaje con sus diferentes 谩reas; sem谩ntica, sint谩ctica y fonol贸gica

    Challenges of migrating legacies web to mobile: A systematic literature review

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    The multi-device era comes thanks to mobile computing which gives remote access to resources from anywhere changing the people鈥檚 life and opening new business opportunities. However, the legacy systems do not render the content properly in mobile devices because they were thought to be only compliant with Web browsers. Economic availability is often the reason why these have not been modernized. This work proposes a systematic literature review about the approaches used for the portabilization or modernization of web 1.0 business applications to mobile devices in the period 2006-2017, from SCOPUS, IEEE, and ACM. The search obtained 824 articles, where 37 were selected based on the inclusion criteria. The research questions were: PI1. What have been the contribution to the portability of business applications to mobile devices? PI2. What methods have been used? PI3. What is the nature of the contribution found? PI4. What are the objectives that are pursued in the research work?. The conclusions were obtained through the classification of selected papers with respect to focus, scope, type of research and type of contribution to give an answer to research questions. Then, the state of the art determines the main approaches such as model-driven development, content reorganization, augmentation, and specific migrations. However, certain research gaps were detected and detailed which represent exploration opportunities.Fil: Cajas, Viviana. Universidad Tecnologica Indoamerica.; EcuadorFil: Urbieta, Mario Mat铆as. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Inform谩tica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, Gustavo H茅ctor. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Inform谩tica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Dom铆nguez Mayo, Francisco. Universidad de Sevilla; Espa帽

    Challenges of Migrating Legacies Web to Mobile: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The multi-device era comes thanks to mobile computing which gives remote access to resources from anywhere changing the people鈥檚 life and opening new business opportunities. However, the legacy systems do not render the content properly in mobile devices because they were thought to be only compliant with Web browsers. Economic availability is often the reason why these have not been modernized. This work proposes a systematic literature review about the approaches used for the portabilization or modernization of web 1.0 business applications to mobile devices in the period 2006-2017, from SCOPUS, IEEE, and ACM. The search obtained 824 articles, 44 were selected and classified with respect to focus, scope, type of research and type of contribution. The results obtained allowed us to reach conclusions about the state of the subject and to determine the research gaps, such as the need for better use of the mobile characteristics because the adaptations are mostly basic. In addition, an approach is proposed and compared with the aforementioned them.Facultad de Inform谩ticaLaboratorio de Investigaci贸n y Formaci贸n en Inform谩tica Avanzad

    Aprovechamiento de subproductos de origen carbonatado en la industria del cemento y el concreto: Una revisi贸n para evaluar su aplicaci贸n en el departamento del Huila

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    The Department of Huila has become an eye-catching focus in the development of mining activities due to its diversity of minerals and untapped deposits. It comes up for the Department, the pressing need for a joint between mining by-products and the building industry which will certainly play an important role in the region鈥檚 economic growth. This article shows a literature review about the main characteristics and trends in the use of carbonate rock mining by-products in building applications, specially in the production of Portland cement and concrete, where negative environment impacts and economic costs are minimized and beneficial mechanical properties are obtained.&nbsp;El departamento del Huila se ha convertido en un foco llamativo para desarrollar la actividad minera por su diversidad de minerales y estado virgen de los yacimientos. Para el departamento surge como primicia articular subproductos mineros con el sector de la construcci贸n, proyect谩ndose como un rengl贸n fuerte en el crecimiento econ贸mico de la regi贸n. Este art铆culo presenta una revisi贸n de la literatura acerca de las principales caracter铆sticas y tendencias en la utilizaci贸n de subproductos derivados de la miner铆a de origen carbonatado en aplicaciones de construcci贸n, especialmente en la producci贸n de cemento y concreto Portland, reduciendo el impacto sobre el medio ambiente, costo econ贸mico y obteniendo propiedades mec谩nicas favorables

    Migrating legacy web applications

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    Applications are a ubiquitous tool when running on mobile devices become an opportunity for a new digital business model. However, enterprises implemented the core business in legacy applications that are not designed to run properly on mobile devices. Consequently, this migration involves time and cost. The main contribution of this study to these limitations is an approach to assist this migration based on Markov chains that is a predictive user behaviour method that allows that available functionality is prioritized, the experience of User Interface is re-thought, and the new design is evaluated with a preliminary running version of the legacy app. An experiment on ten participants shows that a dynamic user interface that implements the Markov model provides the users with better usability, evidenced with an improvement of productivity labour and the Nielsen heuristics comparison between versions. This work suggests this model makes possible a smart and proactive interface design

    Migrating legacy web applications

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    Applications are a ubiquitous tool when running on mobile devices become an opportunity for a new digital business model. However, enterprises implemented the core business in legacy applications that are not designed to run properly on mobile devices. Consequently, this migration involves time and cost. The main contribution of this study to these limitations is an approach to assist this migration based on Markov chains that is a predictive user behaviour method that allows that available functionality is prioritized, the experience of User Interface is re-thought, and the new design is evaluated with a preliminary running version of the legacy app. An experiment on ten participants shows that a dynamic user interface that implements the Markov model provides the users with better usability, evidenced with an improvement of productivity labour and the Nielsen heuristics comparison between versions. This work suggests this model makes possible a smart and proactive interface design.Laboratorio de Investigaci贸n y Formaci贸n en Inform谩tica Avanzad

    An Approach for Migrating Legacy Applications to Mobile Interfaces

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    Mobile applications changed unexpectedly people life and business models around the world. Nevertheless, there are old applications, called legacies, without adaptation to mobile devices, because this adaptation or migration have a considerable cost in dependence of software scope. Currently, most users bring constantly their smartphones and other devices with them, especially millennials. For that reason, some approaches try to solve this portabilization, generating certain improvements. However, in the majority of these solutions there is not a direct participation of users; do not consider their visual identity, analysis of feeling or mining of opinion. This paper proposes getting the behavior web application model with Markov heuristics from the widgets closeness matrix, prior to adaptation in order to include the user logic

    Challenges of Migrating Legacies Web to Mobile: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The multi-device era comes thanks to mobile com puting which gives remote access to resources from anywhere changing the people鈥檚 life and opening new business opportu nities. However, the legacy systems do not render the content properly in mobile devices because they were thought to be only compliant with Web browsers. Economic availability is often the reason why these have not been modernized. This work proposes a systematic literature review about the approaches used for the portabilization or modernization of web 1.0 business applications to mobile devices in the period 2006-2017, from SCOPUS, IEEE, and ACM. The search obtained 824 articles, where 37 were selected based on the inclusion criteria. The research questions were: PI1. What have been the contribution to the portability of business applications to mobile devices? PI2. What methods have been used? PI3. What is the nature of the contribution found? PI4. What are the objectives that are pursued in the research work?. The conclusions were obtained through the classification of selected papers with respect to focus, scope, type of research and type of contribution to give an answer to research questions. Then, the state of the art determines the main approaches such as model-driven development, content reorganization, augmentation, and specific migrations. However, certain research gaps were detected and detailed which represent exploration opportunities